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Bread Gulab Jamun | Quick Diwali Sweet

Bread Gulab Jamun
Gulab Jamun is one of my favourite sweet. This mild milk sweet is loved even by people who doesn't have sweet tooth. Bread Gulab Jamun is a easy dessert which can be prepared with left over bread slices. The process is very simple and savior for last minute preparations. Sharing this easy and quick recipe for Diwali Festival. This bread Gulab Jamun can be prepared with easily available ingredients in home. Please check below for step by step instructions and pictures for preparing Bread Gulab Jamun.

Preparation Time: 5 mins
Cook Time: 20 mins
Yields: 10 to 12
Bread Gulab Jamun | Easy Diwali Sweet

Table 1:
OilFor Deep Frying
Milk Bread4 Slices
Milk2.5 tbsp
Chopped Nuts (Optional)For Garnishing

Table 2: For Sugar Syrup
Sugar1/2 Cup
Water1 Cup
Cardamom powder1/2 tsp


  • Remove the brown part from bread slices. Cut bread slices into small pieces and place it in a bowl.

1 Bread Gulab Jamun2 Bread Gulab Jamun

  • Add milk to the bread pieces and prepare a soft dough similar to chapati dough. Make small balls of marble size.

3 Bread Gulab Jamun4 Bread Gulab Jamun

  •  Heat Sugar and water in a thick bottomed vessel.when the sugar syrup starts to boil, add cardamom powder and allow it to boil for 2 mins. Remove from stove and keep it ready.

5 Bread Gulab Jamun6 Bread Gulab Jamun

  • Heat oil in a thick bottomed pan for deep frying. Add bread balls into the oil slowly one by one. Deep fry the balls till they turn dark brown in medium flame. keep rolling the jamun while frying till it is evenly browned. 
7 Bread Gulab Jamun8 Bread Gulab Jamun

  •  Transfer it to paper towel to remove extra oil. Place the gulab jamun in the Sugar syrup for 30 mins to 1 hour before serving.
9 Bread Gulab Jamun10 Bread Gulab Jamun

Bread Gulab Jamun | Quick Diwali Sweet 
Bread Gulab Jamun | Quick Diwali Sweet

  • Don't deep fry gulab jamun in high flame. 
  • To check whether oil is enough hot, drop a little bit of dough into oil. If the dough rises up immediately, then oil is enough hot. 
  • Oil can be replaced with ghee for deep frying.
  • Don't over crowd gulab jamun while deep frying.
  • It takes 5-7 mins for the gulab jamun to get fully cooked.
  • No sugar consistency is needed for sugar syrup.  Once all the sugar is dissolved and comes to rolling boil add cardamom powder and boil for one more minute. Remove from stove.
  • Sugar syrup should be warm, when gulab jamun 's are transferred to it.
  • Store gulab jamun at room temperature for about a week.
  • Before serving, garnish with chopped nuts. This is optional


  1. Goodness!! This is awesome, the idea of using bread and not over the top with sweetness. I hope, I sincerely hope with the extra holidays, I can make it. Just a few to test and try out.

  2. Wow! Amazing recipe.. Will try it sometime Nithya :-)

  3. wonderful idea Nithya... now we can make Gulab jamun anytime... must try it:)

  4. A a very innovative sweet dish and quick to make as well.

  5. I am drooling here.. Going to give this a try tomorrow. will back to let you know how it was Nithya

    1. Try and let me known the outcome.. Very eager to hear it from you..

    2. Nithya they turned out so perfect and yum! Will share it on my blog tomorrow :) thank you for this wonderful recipe :)

    3. Glad you liked the recipe.. Thanks for the feedback..

  6. Delicious and very nicely made jamuns, love it dear....

  7. One of the easiest jamuns i have ever tried..Love it very much.

  8. Seeing all over bread jamun very tempting.Pass me that bowl.

  9. my fav jamun..but I use wheat bread to make this jamun..

  10. that's a wonderful idea ! looks simply amazing !

  11. looks delicious and wonderful, must try sometime..


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