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How to sprout moong dal | Whole green gram at home

How to sprout moong dal at home
Sprouts are the cheapest and easiest way to get complete nutrition. My grandma starts her day by eating the moong sprouts. Sprouts provides essential minerals an vitamins. They have more nutrients when compared to unsprouted beans. Calories and carbohydrates are compartively less in sprouted beans than unsprouted beans. Preparing sprouts is an easy task and once sprouted store it in refrigerator. Please check below for step by step instructions and pictures for preparing moong dal sprouts in home

Nutrients Comparison between dry and sprouts moong beans:
The nutrient value changes in sprouts when compared to dry green moong beans are found below 
Source: http://www.medindia.net

Energy content - caloriesDecrease 15 percent
Total carbohydrate contentDecrease 15 percent
Protein availabilityIncrease 30 percent
Calcium contentIncrease 34 percent
Potassium contentIncrease 80 percent
Sodium contentIncrease 690 percent
Iron contentIncrease 40 percent
Phosphorous contentIncrease 56 percent
Vitamin A contentIncrease 285 percent
Thiamine or Vitamin B1 contentIncrease 208 percent
Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 contentIncrease 515 percent
Niacin or Vitamin B3 contentIncrease 256 percent
Ascorbic acid or Vitamin C contentAn infinite increase

Nutrients Comparison between dry and sprouts moong beans

How to sprout moong dal at home


  • Wash moong dal for 3-4 times and soak in water for 8 to 12 hours. Moong beans will swells up absorbing the water.
How to sprout moong dalHow to sprout moong dal

  • Wash moong dal and strain the excess water. Transfer it to a jar. Close the jar with meshed cloth and secure it with rubber band. Store it in dark warm place.
How to sprout moong dalHow to sprout moong dal

  • After 12 hours, remove the moong dal from jar and wash it in luke warm water. Strain the excess water and transfer it to the jar.Close the jar with meshed cloth and secure it with rubber band. After 12 hours, the beans will be sprouted. Wash it in luke warm water and store it in refrigerator.
How to sprout moong dal at home

Moong dal will double in volume, after sprouted.

Moong Dal Sprouts Recipes you may be interested are:
1. Mung bean sprouts sandwich
2. Mung sprouts Kuzhambu | Mulai payaru Kuzhambu


  1. Very lovely post Nithya, very beautiful clicks...

  2. useful post Nithya..even i have a similiar post in my space:)

  3. Bring back memories of my science subject during my school days. Great step by step instructions plus the infor. I just buy them because its so cheap and cost a couple of cents only.

  4. Wonderful & informative post...

  5. Very detailed and useful post Nithya.


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